Julianna_Amerie on how to hide your penis:
melmyfinger: hahahaha
kuya: haha
ROYALDISASTER: its like being ddrsessed actually
Guest - mrskittles: i need to go to the kind of parties you hang out at
Guest - mrskittles: naked painted people parties
UhOhItsAri: Julianna: professional nip searcher
AndrewTheEpic: i tried doing the painting thing, except (down there)
AndrewTheEpic: but its hard to hide a peen
Guest - Oposum: tape
Guest - Oposum: s
Guest - mrskittles: painted peen.... damnit lol
AndrewTheEpic: LOL
melmyfinger: hahahah
Sharky976: wtf
AndrewTheEpic: a hanging hotdog
AndrewTheEpic: or something
UhOhItsAri: yuck
AndrewTheEpic: lmao
JiMb0: woo
Guest - mrskittles: make it a long nose on a face
AndrewTheEpic: WTF
Julianna_Amerie: if i was a guy i would just roll it up.
ROYALDISASTER: im an artist i do that shit
Guest - Oposum: roll it. daym!!
UhOhItsAri: a weird mushroom
n1kk117: lol
AndrewTheEpic: ROLL IT?!
DizzyFLIPPINd: roll it up? it isnt a fruit roll up...
AndrewTheEpic: wtfffff
JiMb0: a hanging hot dog?! wtf?!
Guest - Oposum: lol
kuya: wtf
melmyfinger: slide it to the side
AndrewTheEpic: ouchhies
Guest - mrskittles: this is hillarious
UhOhItsAri: roll it?
AndrewTheEpic: lmao
melmyfinger: wtf, roll it up???
UhOhItsAri: fuckin nasty
melmyfinger: ROLL IT UP?!??!
Guest - mrskittles: tuck it back
AndrewTheEpic: exactly
AndrewTheEpic: wow
AndrewTheEpic: WOW
Sharky976: tuck rule
Guest - mrskittles: epic
kuya: wow wth
UhOhItsAri: new item at the store: dick roll up's
AndrewTheEpic: you coulda said tuck it
UhOhItsAri: buy them for your children!
UhOhItsAri: yum!
AndrewTheEpic: but roll it?
Guest - mrskittles: throw the hair tie on the peen
AndrewTheEpic: wow
Guest - mrskittles: lol damnit
melmyfinger: just roll it up like yarn??!?!
ROYALDISASTER: hahaha wtf are u doing??????
melmyfinger: wtheo
melmyfinger: hahahaha
AndrewTheEpic: roll it up like fruit roll up?**