dunno why but i woke up at 7:30am this morning...even though went to bed at 2:30ish.
aight, so i started off my week with a semi-finals playoff game for basketball. the tourney ended up a little wierd so basically my team, the Pink Dot Delivery Service (gay teammate's gay idea), has to beat the undefeated team twice to win the championship. so anyways, i've been pumped about this game for the whole weekend...and that energy carried over throughout warmups when i was nailing every single three i was putting up. so come gametime, my first play of the game, i get the ball on the wing...feed the post and make a hard cut...i get the ball back...pump fake...drive and shoot...and then i fuckin' land on someone's foot and i fuck up my ankle royally. that's it, i was done.
aight, so later that day i had two group meetings. i'm lucky as fuck because i have group members that are willing to take most of the work load for me. one of the meetings was for my sex ed class presentation on sexual fantasies. i've kinda got the rep as the class clown so i'm really trying to think of something awesome/perverted to live up to my own standards. i was thinkin maybe we'll do a dramatic reading of a sexual fantasy...with a little twist of "mel" in it...i dunno, we'll have to see what happens.
so yada yada, i have sex ed...and then after that i had my presentation for business. orginally we weren't supposed to dress up but i just felt like rockin' my new clothes i got from Guess over the weekend. anyways, the presentation went great. i had a part where i talked about "positive reinforcement"...so here was the example i used...
Mel: i used to play football back in the day...and everytime i made a really good run or scored a touchdown, i'd get back into the huddle and all my teammates would give me a nice, big 'ol pat on the ass!! :bigthumbup: its positive reinforcement like that that made me wanna bring it every time i was on the field.
so yeah, the crowd loved that part. i dunno, its kinda wierd how lookin' back i used to absolutely dread doing presentations and shit. but nowadays, since i do it for almost every single fucking class, i've gotten used to it. i'm usually the guy that pulls something stupid like that ass-patting example and it just loosens me up.
so anyways, i went back to the dorms and all i wanted to do was chill. i was still wearing my Guess shit so everyone was like, "daaaaaaaaamn, lookin' good, mel!!" so that was cool. oh yeah, there's this one hot asian chick that walked past by my door so i walked out and i caught her looking back...twice!! hahaha awww yeah, she was checkin' me out, baby!! skidmark's still got his way with da ladies!! hell, later that night she passed by again and i totally caught her looking back again!!
aaaaanyways, later that night i promised april that we'd have another quickie. she was a little down about some things so i brought over some boba to her place and we watched tv. originally we were just gonna watch friends and i was gonna go...but as usual, our quickie ended up being a long night of pillow talk.
one of the reasons we hung out so long was she showed me a book that she wrote. yeah, that's right, a BOOK. seriously, like 30 chapters. its the fuckin' coolest thing because its a 60 page (single spaced, 9 font, front and back) novel that is an extension of her personality. i read a couple chapters of it and oh my god she got me hooked. she's totally gonna make me a copy of it so i can read it over break...but she also totally got me in the mood for writing my own book. her book is cool as hell cuz its mostly fictional but based on herself, her friends and their boyfriends and a whole lot of drama. hell, she even has big fights with her friends in the story!! i was so amazed by the detail she used too.
i dunno, maybe one of these days i'll write a book like that...or maybe i'll just continue to make endless journal posts like this stupid thing you're reading. aight, that's all for now. laaate.