summer's been great so far. here's what's been happening...
okay, not exactly the most wild summer trip to vegas...
Chris calls me:
Chris: yo Me: yo Chris: ...i got in an accident on the way to vegas...
so i drove up to vegas to help him out (along with his auntie and family friend). wasn't bad or anything cuz i was planning on going to vegas to visit my parents anyways.
so when i get there and i quickly realize something...chris' company doesn't really speak english... basically, the next couple days were those three speaking thai among themselves and me just nodding my head & smiling. is that what a foreign exchange student feels like?
anyways, it was still fun showing 'em around town.
Thank you Mr. Burglar...
i'd like to take a moment to thank the fuckers that broke into my parents house and stole my mom's jewelry and shit. because of you cocksuckers my parents are planning on selling that pleasant little house...and move into a brand-spankin' new luxury condo!!!
the new place is still under construction but is set to be liveable by May of next year.
COM 100: Public Speaking
god i love summer school. its just so much more chill than the rest of the year. and even better, i have some really kick ass teachers this quarter.
the classes i'm taking are classes that i've been putting off for the past 5 years because -- public speaking, u.s. history 201 and bio lab. i hate all of those with a passion...but when you have kick ass teachers like i do, i almost wish i took these classes a long time ago.
check out my communications professor, peter lee. the first day of class he tells us how its hard to (quantitatively) measure confidence; but his special way was with toilet paper.
Beginning of Public Speaking Class:
Peter Lee: ok, i want you to tear of a piece of toilet paper. if you're confident i want you to take about 3-5 squares of toilet paper. if you're not as confident, take 6-7. if you're not confident at all, take more.
After everyone has toilet paper:
Peter Lee: okay, now that everyone has toilet paper, i want each of you to stand up and tell me about yourselves. the more toilet paper you have, the longer you talk. go!!
one of my buddies warned me he was gonna do this a couple weeks ahead of time, so i cheated and only pulled 3 squares. so what did i say about myself?
My introduction:
Mel: hey everyone, my name is mel. i'm an e-business major and i'm starting my 6th year here. Mel: i was raised in saudi arabia and....ummm... Mel: (say something, damnit, just say something!!!) Mel: i'm not wearing any underwear. Mel:
the professor was laughing hard, which was good because it just shows how laid-back he is compared to those old school, strict professors that i just hate (and fail miserably).
i think the best introduction was the asian dude that went last.
Asian Dude: hey my name is Asian Dude: i'm from Asian Dude: ...that's it. Professor: nice try. you got more toilet paper than that, keep going. Asian Dude: ummmmmmmmmm Professor: just tell us one more thing about yourself Asian Dude: Professor: i don't care, man, just tell me a lie. Asian Dude: ok, i think you're cool.
this is gonna be a fun class, i just know it.
History 201: United States History
i hate feminists. they bitch about wanting to be treated equally as men yet you never see them say anything when they get free shit for showing a little cleavage. if men have to pay to get into clubs, shouldn't women too? especially since they should be "treated equally as men" or whatever.
but there are a couple feminists that i actually really like -- isabelle from berkley and dr. lamphier, my history professor this quarter.
dr. lamphier is like a feminist version of conan or something. she just has this uncanny ability to make history fun to learn...and then she has those random tangents to keep us entertained. like the first day of class, she was explaining how the two different aspects of history is like the two different aspects of love -- the dating phase and the commitment phase.
basically, in the dating phase you hear all the things that you want to hear; all the pleasant things. in the commitment phase you get the whole truth. although the whole truth might not be as pleasant as we'd like it to be (like in the dating phase), its still important to ultimately know the whole truth.
after elaborating on that, she went off on a tangent for a bit...
Dr. Lamphier: i remember the exact moment i realized that i was in the commitment phase. Dr. Lamphier: my husband (boyfriend at the time) and i pulled over to an arco to fill up on gas. Dr. Lamphier: as he got out of the car, he rips this HUUUUUUGE fart. Dr. Lamphier: of course i'm completely disgusted but he closes the door behind him and just starts laughing. Dr. Lamphier: it was that exact moment that i realized the romantic days were over....but i still loved him.
i know i'm just gonna love this class.
My New Pet
chin says i should name it "melvin" because he eats everything. i'm not so sure about that though because my venus fly trap is bolemic or something...the picky little fucker spits up the flies i feed him.
driving around and exploring the OC is fun.
the owner of my favorite hawaiian restaurant knows me now.
goal for summer: master the belly flop.
had my first visit to Marie Calendars
must figure out how to prevent chaffed nipples when i boogie board.
april says i should just rub vaseline on my nipples.