kinda's some things that have happened in the past couple weeks
met a girl named Janus...and i couldn't stop laughing inside cuz her name is like ANUS with a J.
did my first beer bong with the montecito crew. but for some damn reason i couldn't get drunk.
had another boaty call with april over some beer, hard lemonade, chewy chips ahoy and bruce almighty.
dropped my accounting class because i apparently don't have to retake now i only have 2 courses...which is 4 classes A WEEK. ...sad thing is i might be in school for another 2 years...
might go to mexico with cathy for spring break.
went shopping with melissa (le)...she helped me realize how much i talk about food...literaly...
Mel: oh, and that's the papa johns where i used to eat with darwin and bojo every tuesday...soo good Mel: oh, and over there is mongolian can eat as much as you want and they cook it right in front of you...used to go there every friday...soo good Mel: oh, and that's the only KFC around here that still sells chicken nuggets...not the crispy chicken strips...the old school chicken nuggets...sooo good Mel: ohgood, lets go to quiznos...they have the greatest cookies there ever...just ask them to put 'em in the oven and its all soft and squishy and chewy...sooo good
got a proposal from Yahoo! Sports College Broadcasting that'll pay to advertise on my
blocked the CRAP out of some really tall asian dude in basketball...god damn that was an ego booster.
i was playing guitar in my room and some drunk white guy comes in:
Drunk White Dude: hey!! you're filipino!! sing the filipino anthem for me!!