October 23rd officially marked my second year of working. So much has changed in this year, it's ridiculous. We got a new CEO and over the past several months, he's been going department-by-department restructuring the company. I've seen my role changed considerably over the past few month too. Instead of doing bitch work, I'm being put in a position where I can really utilize my knowledge and experience.
I said last year that I love my job, and one year later I'm happy to say that still holds true. A big reason why is because of stupid shit like this:
Everyone subconsciously whistling Wesley's ringtone, the Super Mario theme, Rick Roll, Tetris theme and the A-Team theme.
Interviewee with a really bad lazy eye:
Harv: he did an excellent job of maintaining eye-contact...with the both of us...at the same time...
Cool idea for adding to the chat feature:
Wolfey: I should just throw in "WOLFEY RULEZ" into every other message
Meaning to say "drag and drop"?
Harv: Drug and Drop!
Wolfey picking on the mini-mart asian lady:
Wolfey: I think Asian lady has this OCD thing where she has to straighten out every dollar bill
Wolfey: I'm gonna fold every corner of every bill that I give her from now on to test her
Diego's optimistic Facebook status after getting fired:
Diego's Facebook status on his new engagement:
Diego's optimistic Facebook status on the called off engagement:
Adam on how to deal with a shitty applicant:
Harv: i'm gonna shred his resume
Adam: nah, don't even shred it.
Adam: don't waste the power.
Andrew on quality control:
Andrew: how do I hide all these freakin' errors??
Adam: WTF
Adam: you're supposed to fix the fucking errors, not hide them!!
Nerds fighting over stuff:
Adam: I wanna go to the MySQL Conference
Thomas: I wanna go to the MySQL Conference!
Harv: like a spoiled kid
Harv: but I wanna go to the MySQL Conference!!
Adam asking Shezaan what he missed out on after someone's birthday:
Adam: oh, there was a birthday?
Adam: what did I miss?
Shezaan: not much
Shezaan: just the usual
Shezaan: cutting the cake and Mel eating it all.
Majid asking Adam to explain something during a demo:
Majid: Adam, how would you explain "API" in two words or less.
A client noticing an inappropriate test forum:
Client: teabagging forum???
Ray on explaining my new promotion:
Ray: Mel is somewhere in between a programmer and designer
Ray: he's somewhat of a hybrid
Ray: I like to think of him as a "morphidite"
Adam: Mel is a hermaphridite!!
Wolfey suggesting a new company chatroom for AIM:
Adam: please keep this chat reserved only for work related issues.
Adam: I've been receiving complaints from individuals that our side talk is spamming them and distracting them from work.
Ryan: gaaay
Wolfey: can we have [Office_Fun]
Wolfey: and rename this to [Office_Not_Fun]
Adam: asshole.