Nubbin's Wrong

ok, so the other day i was sitting in my accounting class over at mt. sac...things have been going great, i've finally buckled down and started focusing on my weakest subject. maybe its the pills, maybe its the fact that i have no more second chances...i dunno, but i'm really focused...

well, focused until i notice that the girl sitting in front of me has this freakish nubbin next to her ear.

puke smilie

this thing is monstrous....its not like a tiny little thing of skin...its more like a third nipple on her head...its more like god had extra skin leftover and decided to put it on her....

when she's looking straight ahead, i don't notice it...but she's always turning to her friend on the left, which exposes that god-forsaken thing to me, right in my line of sight. and the worst part about it is we have assigned i have to live with this for 5 hours a week for the next 15 weeks!!!

god, i can't concentrate anymore!!!

maybe if i just focus really hard...tell myself that everything's okay...its all good...nubbin's wrong...i mean, nothing's wrong!!! aaaaaargh!!!

if you look closely...