melmyfinger: countdown! starting at 15:30!
jonchaniscool: i have like 50 movies on my hard drive all torrented
jonchaniscool: lol
xo_ginalove: gogogogogo we need to finish this movie
xo_ginalove: lmfao
jonchaniscool: ok readdyyyy
Ceelei: same!!!
melmyfinger: hahahahaah
CrystalMY: oh i catch ur drift cathy
melmyfinger: cinco!
melmyfinger: cuatro!
xo_ginalove: quatro!
xo_ginalove: oh
melmyfinger: uhhh
xo_ginalove: fial
melmyfinger: hahahahaha
jonchaniscool: tres
xo_ginalove: LMFAO
Ceelei: tres
jonchaniscool: dos
jonchaniscool: uno
jonchaniscool: FOOOOO
Ceelei: uno
xo_ginalove: go?
Ceelei: VA!
melmyfinger: vanamos?
xo_ginalove: LMFAO
jonchaniscool: ok nxt countdown
jonchaniscool: lets do it
jonchaniscool: in english
Thank you, everyone!!
Thank you, everyone, for all the birthday wishes! I feel so young turning 21 again for the 7th straight year! My phone would NOT stop buzzing all day cuz of all the @replies, facebook notifications, tumblr posts and text messages...birthdays like yesterday remind me how blessed I am.
- _melistar
- 9natran
- adrian
- adrieee
- ajiiizzzle
- akachrisTOPS
- akbdc
- alexjohn
- aline-m
- and0n
- andykim84
- anita-jose
- anthong
- ari
- arielmariee
- ashish patel
- auroraempire
- b0otayx3
- babytoes81
- bing87
- bm-photography
- bored44
- briceorbryce
- bkeeeezy
- cathy-nguyen
- cedricjoshua
- chaaaany
- charlenedang
- chrisanne
- christina-b
- christina-luna
- christinieweenie
- cindyboo
- confidential
- cookiemunstarr
- cristie suzukawa
- cristina-dg
- da1flipguy
- dad
- dailo
- dajark
- danielszetho
- danitokyo
- darweeenie
- david-choi
- dee-celera
- dessiegirl
- devinxrenee
- djblinks
- djmajik202
- DoctorRico
- donnaaa
- dreamingoutloud
- droidoid
- eddieparas
- eddymyla
- eelyajekim
- elisa
- erniesbudolab
- ey_mikz
- farsid3pin0y
- fizzi
- flipgal77
- francisrochino
- FTWSammie
- gabeezy
- genix
- goldylox
- goshNicole
- gotkatzy
- h20ballz
- halfsensed
- hayleigh
- hayley watson
- hazeldb
- henry-s
- heyitsthatgirl
- heylisajue
- hollisterloser
- hollykins
- hsustyle
- huskyboydrew
- hypnoticasia
- iiamjelly
- iknowrenato
- imjenni
- ImVeryActive
- ira-dg
- itsCHELLAbaby
- itsjonsense
- itstoofragile
- j0anne
- jackielyn
- jacraig34
- janicexp
- janiise
- janne
- janNYC
- jaypwnsyou
- Jdiep08
- jenny-suk
- jer0meskee
- jgibs
- jimb0
- jimmychenpiano
- joeescobar
- jonchaniscool
- jonjcp
- joseph-diaz
- josephvincent
- jtam7992603
- julianna_amerie
- juliannemariee
- kabannaboyroy
- kame88
- karolangcaco
- kat-blanco
- kathleen-santiago
- kaydeex3
- kevinbognot
- kim-o
- kirsten-p
- kishan
- konradthompson
- kris-cunanan
- krismark
- krystalderosas
- krystovalina
- kulayberde
- Kuya
- KuyaDeejay
- ladykitay
- lifeisfilm08
- lilbearpeachie
- linhmonster
- LionGali
- loval
- lpina
- marichris1
- marinakamel
- markque
- marlo_t
- marnz
- maykimagination
- meganfromTC
- meggggan
- melissa-v
- melvinsings
- micahmarie
- michael-tajon
- michellepark
- mirtheous
- misschanto
- mizzamanda
- mom
- mquerol
- mrfuijikicker
- msclumsiee
- mynameisroth
- nadsmustafa
- nannerzz
- natlielatunay
- neegahson
- neenerslambchop
- neil_84
- neosubz
- NeroRamos
- nessarica
- noa-martinsen
- not_june
- nykko_x3
- olee
- omgitsrobb
- ooobbyitsloveooo
- paka79
- patflynn
- peachesudh
- peteeee
- phatts
- philchao
- pinktea6
- r0ckingreen
- rachel-s
- racheljasmin
- raelynnerosales
- ram_ree
- randolph-permejo
- raineezy
- raycel98
- reggiesee
- reii
- renC
- rhezamae
- rina-dakanay
- rjay23
- rock-star
- ron_palustre
- rosemary bales
- rosmel-ramos
- rowdysaudi1
- rtran
- ryan-shin
- ryanhurley
- safaricat
- samchy
- scarlett
- scikotik
- scottyoshimoto
- sean-doyle
- shazadsk
- shireen-h
- shraddha
- sinxjae
- slackerSC
- slimbeats
- sogooey
- spideyudh
- stefansinging
- stephanie-chiang
- stephbaloy
- sun_tzu
- thatsajudy
- theapradioshow
- thisGIRLis_
- tiffany-o
- tl2eesa
- toekneekay
- tpm_music
- udh7
- uhmberr
- uhohitsari
- ulysses
- usarmymich
- vankho
- vinimack
- vjayyy
- vobot
- whattheda
- xxflipxpryd3xx
- youlikepoo
- zeephunk
Hopefully I got everyone in here that gave me a shoutout (over 240!?!). Love you all! <33
How I Spent My Year 2009
I don't expect you guys to read all of this...but I hope you take the time to answer this survey yourselves just to reflect on the past year. If you do this, answer truthfully and with meaningful answers that you can look back on several years from now; it's amazing to look back on how you've grown.
This is my 7th straight year of doing this, and it's an absolute TRIP looking back and my old posts. Anyways, here it is.
Chat: vickiilee and ajRAF
Putting vickiilee and her "date" with AJ Rafael on blast:
AlexJohn: this is not hazing
Nyhm: vajay!
ron_palustre: lol
GrizzlyBearBrandon: lol
ItsCarmellaBtch: lol; fred
Nyhm: vikkii r u or not????????
joyy820: LOL @ VAJAY
Jasminnnn: awww, shes singing to AJ
MrFujiKicker: Follow along their romantic journey... just saying
Nyhm: my idea
Nyhm: for vajay
GrizzlyBearBrandon: lmfao
Azness: LOL FRED
jonchaniscool: lol
jjfrombk: lol
ItsCarmellaBtch: haha oh fred
Nyhm: vayjayyyyyy
JTam7992603: good thing chuckster isnt hereNyhm was kicked out of the room by philchao
Azness: xD
joyy820: LOL
melmyfinger: oops, i accidently tweeted something
Jasminnnn: she cant get AJ out of her mind..
ItsCarmellaBtch: lol mel!!!!!!
MrFujiKicker: ROFl
MrFujiKicker: ROFL
MrFujiKicker: ROFL
ellemishtree: LOL MEL
ellemishtree: HAHA
ryanbandong: LOL
ItsCarmellaBtch: omgshh
ron_palustre: a date huh?
Azness: i should do that too...
HalfSensed: LOL
Azness: LOL
ron_palustre: holler.
AlexJohn: lmao
jonchaniscool: EVERYONE TWEET
JTam7992603: AHAHAHAH
MrFujiKicker: @vickiilee have fun on your date with @ajrafaeI!!!!!
jonchaniscool: NAO
MrFujiKicker: ROFL
MrFujiKicker: ROFL
MrFujiKicker: Mel ROFL
jjfrombk: twitter is amazing
ellemishtree: HAHAHAHAHA MEL
ellemishtree: ROFL
ellemishtree: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
ItsCarmellaBtch: wht u tweet?
bennettoo: hahahaha
melmyfinger: twitter is the greated invention evar!!!
jonchaniscool: TIME TO TWEET
Chat: The Peniswagon
joyy820 banning peniswagon from her room:
Rexicah: hairy*
xxflipxpryd3xx: no
xxflipxpryd3xx: its not me
marichris1: :[[[
jonchaniscool: yeah
hairychris1: no
hairychris1: no
WonTonDJ: what if whats me?
marichris1: comeon hairchris
jonchaniscool: jtamischubby is mepeniswagon was banned from the room by joyy820
marichris1: COME ON
jonchaniscool: it was a joke
marichris1: LMAO
MrSok: LOL
kuya: haha nice
melmyfinger: HAHAHAHAHAHAA
neegahson: ROFLMAO
hairychris1: noi
KulayBerde: LOL
WonTonDJ: <----sooo confused
Rexicah: ahaha peniswagonn
neegahson: everybody hop on the peniswagon
hairychris1: sry
neegahson: LMAO
MrFujiKicker: sorry joy, i wanted to kick 3rdi, but didn't bother to
marichris1: LOL
jtamisCHUBBY: deep voice hello guys
hairychris1: its julissa ok
hairychris1: dan
jtamisCHUBBY: whats up
hairychris1: damn
marichris1: ROFLLL
melmyfinger: i think penis wagon wanted to go on a joy ride
melmyfinger: hahahahahaahhaahaa
MrFujiKicker: have my reasons
neegahson: LMAO MEL
neegahson: AHAHHHAHA
marichris1: ROFLL MELL
Rexicah: if i made an account for blog, and i named it stankyvaganky would you guys kick me?
jtamisCHUBBY: lol
kuya: i wanted to kick him too
MrFujiKicker: WTHEO
MrFujiKicker: ROFl
marichris1: LMAO micah
Rexicah: haha
MrFujiKicker: WTHEO
joyy820: jjfrombk
MrFujiKicker: WTHEO
WonTonDJ: lol
MrFujiKicker: LOL
MrFujiKicker: ROFL
Mquerol: haha
neegahson: ROFLMAO
neegahson: WTHEO
MrFujiKicker: very nice
marichris1: LMAOOO