Deep Thoughts of a Dirty Mind

Okay, I think I'm gonna start a little something here...too many a time I find myself thinking of the randomest things...and its too much thought to go unsaid or wasted...I'm gonna try writing out my thoughts in my personal space of this'll only show up under Latest Threads in the homepage, so you guys can choose to read it or not...I don't really care cuz this is more for me...

Maybe it'll be worthless to read now...but maybe in the future when I'm long gone, this'll be published and be worth millions. :rolleyes:

So anyways, hopefully this is the start of something big...maybe it'll be like that one book author that visited us in Saudi...the one that has kept a diary ever since like 4th grade...and now he's like 50 something and his diary is ginormous.

omg smilie

Or like back in 7th grade when Tasoula Harlan and Amanda Wixted from Dhahran wrote a freaking book on just random shit...that thing was like 40 pages and they had only worked on it for a few months at the time.

So yeah, I'll keep posting random shit in here from time to time...and don't worry, its not gonna be just depressing, emo stuff...this is gonna be some deep stuff...this is my diary...these are the

Deep Thoughts of a Dirty Mind.

Survey v.849302875

About Yourself

  • Name: melvin tabanera tajon...don't you fucking dare call me melvin unless you knew me before 10th grade
  • Gender: male, muthafucka!!
  • Age: 22
  • Height: 5'9 and a half
  • Haircolor: black with occasional gray hairs
  • Eyecolor: dark brown
  • Fears: spiders (
    madfawk smilie
    @ you people laughing)

Have you ever...

  • Peed your pants: nope...worse...
    cry smilie
  • Cheated on someone: nope
  • Fallen off the bed: yup
  • Fallen for a relative: i have a goodlooking family but kinda question is this?!?!
  • Had plastic surgery: yes yes....i used to be a woman...
  • Failed a grade: well...this is my 5th year and i'm technically barely still considered a Junior...
  • Had your heart broken: yuh...that last brownie was supposed to be for me...
    cry smilie
  • Had a dream come true: can't really remember my i wouldn't know...
  • Done something you regret: refer to the "Peed your pants" question...
  • Cheated on a test: yeah...only a couple times....typically i just fail with honor...
  • Broken a body part: my leg when i was like 6....cuz i tried climbing up my closet so i could reach for my hidden christmas present...


  • Wearing: a tube sock...
    naughty smilie
  • Listening to: Let's Do It Right by Soul Decision (thanks elisa)
  • Chewing: nada
  • Feeling: horny & hungry
  • Reading: i don't read
  • Located: Pomoner
  • Chatting with: melissa (le)
  • Watching: myself naked in the mirror, practicing that ass shaking male stripper move
  • Should be doing: sleeping

Do you?

  • brush your teeth: yuh.
  • Like anybody: yeah...i love her eyes...
  • Have any piercings: nipples & clitoris
  • Drive: yeah
  • Believe in santa clause: dude, i've stopped believing in that shit since 9th grade
  • Ever get off the computer: yes, my computer makes me horny...
    gayhehe smilie
  • Like to give hugs: yeah...and then i rip a big fart and watch 'em squirm
    yababy smilie
  • Like to walk in the rain: dude, i don't even like walking.
  • Sleep with or without clothes on: sometimes in the nude
  • Prefer black or blue pens: hahaha, at first i thought it said "prefer black or blue penis"
  • Dress up on halloween: two years ago i was tyson...this year i was a fat lazy island person...
  • Have a job: website stuff
  • Like to travel: god, i miss it....i miss airplane food too...
  • Sleep on your side, tummy, or back: side
  • Want to marry:
    fingersx smilie
  • Have a goldfish: nope
  • Ever have the "falling" dream: nope....usually its about flying...or eating...
  • Have stuffed animals: Stitch (from Lilo & Stitch)
  • Go on vacation: not since i left saudi...

The Last Person You...

  • Hugged: melissa
  • Gave e-propz:
    dunno smilie
  • IMed: melissa
  • Talked to on the phone: mark (not-so-big brother)
  • Fell in love with:
  • Tripped:
    dunno smilie


  • What do you want to be when you grow up: a family man
  • What was the worst day of your life: my 22nd birthday...
  • What is your most embarrassing story: please refer to the "peed your pants" question...
  • When was the best day of your life: too many goodtimes to single out...talking to jasmine was pretty cool though
    biggrin smilie
  • Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend: only hetero lifelong companions
  • If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them: in the girls locker room
  • What do you usually drink before you go to bed: orange juice


  • Movie: harold & kumar go to white was EXTREEEEEEEEEEME!!!
  • Song of the moment: Ture by Ryan Cabrera
  • Group of the moment: Nine Days
  • Store: Fry's?
  • Sibling: both
  • Sport: basketball, volleyball, pocket pool
  • Vacation spot: saudi....and then one day japan & hawaii
  • Ice cream flavor: cookies & cream, pralines & cream
  • Fruit: jack from will & grace
  • Candy: the magical Snickers that you can buy with a medical marijuana prescription...
    yababy smilie
  • A favorite holiday: christmas
  • Day of the week: friday
  • Color: blue
  • Magazine: none
  • Name of a girl: Jasmine, Leilani, Leanna
  • Name of a boy: Conan (
    yababy smilie
    ), Keioni, Damian

This or That

  • Single or taken: single & horny as fuck
    oh smilie
  • Simple or complicated: simple
  • Law or anarchy: :ugh:
  • MTV or BET: MTV
  • 7th heaven or dawsons creek: i heart dawson.
  • Sugar or salt: sugar
  • Silver or gold: white gold
  • Tongue or belly button ring: you know what they say about people with tongue rings...
    naughty smilie
  • Chocolate or flowers: chocolate
  • Color or black and white photos: color
  • Sunrise or sunset: sunset
  • mnm or skittles: M&M
  • rap or rock: rock
  • stay up late or sleep in: stay up late
  • Tv or radio: internet
  • Hot or cold: cold
  • Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter: pudgier
  • Sun or moon: moon
  • Diamond or ruby: diamonds i guess
  • Left or right: usually with my right...
    gayhehe smilie
  • 10 acquaintances or one best friend: one best friend
  • Kids or no kids: kids
  • Cat or dog: allergic to cats
  • The glass is half empty or half full: half full
  • Mustard or ketchup: KETCHUP, BIATCH.
  • Newspaper or magazine: magazine
  • Spring or fall: spring
  • Give or receive: both
  • Rain or snow: snow
  • A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship: wait, sex....friends...doh!! how about sex with hot friends for half a lifetime??
  • Happy or sad: happy
  • Wonder or amazement: amazement
  • Mcdonalds or burger king: in-n-out
  • Mexican or italian food: mexican
  • Lights on or off: off
  • Duct tape or scotch tape: scotch tape
  • Candy or soda: soda
  • A house in the country or city: city
  • Converse or DC: converse
  • Do or dont like this survey:
    chill smilie

The Boat List

I went to the Boat (a kick-ass thai restaurant) yesterday with Melissa (Le). I'm a regular there and the waiters thought I was on a date so they hooked us up with some free boba smoothies.  And last time, when I went with Phoebe, they hooked me up with extra fried rice. The guys there always hook me up cuz I've probably been their best customer since I bring in everyone I know to the place. Anyways, it got me many people have I taken to the Boat? Well, off the top of my head...

Alan, Angela, Anthony, April, Augustus, Bojo, Cathy, Chain, Chris, Colin, Craig, Cristina, Dan, Danny (Baller), Darwin, Elisa, Jackie, James, John, Joyce, Josh M, Karen, Kristy, Laura, Melissa G, Melissa Le, Mike Holt, Mom & Dad, Mr. & Mrs. Blake, Phoebe, Rachel, Rainee, Rich, Ron, Rose, Ryan, Sam (CPP), Suey, Thomas, Travis

That's 43 if I've counted correctly...hit me up if I forgot ya or someone else...

So much drama...but there's always a bright side...

Bad News

ok, so i got this letter from cal poly...and well...i got kicked out...

spring quarter really f'ed me up and got me down to academic probation...and then i fucked it up again by getting another F during summer quarter. i did get a B+ in my other class, but in terms of GPA, a B+ and an F just put me a bit deeper in the hole...

i'm allowed to stick around for the rest of the quarter...but after this quarter, i'm out...i'm not exactly sure if i'm out indefinitely or just for two quarters...but either way, its not something i'm proud about...

Good News

if i can ace all my classes this quarter, i can file for an appeal and get back in.

happysad smilie

More Good News

i might have attention deficet disorder and/or dyslexia. ok, that's not exactly good news, haha, but its something that can help me in my appeal.

i've mentioned this to a few people, and some of them looked at me like i'm faking my possible diagnosis...

squint smilie
...i'm serious about this. this was something i wanted to look into a while ago but i was just never got around to actually getting tested.

i got a hold of a Preliminary Learning Disability Screening Questionaire from the Disabled Students Center...its kinda funny...check it out:

When following directions to an unfamiliar place, I easily get lost.


On the Bright Side

Failure is just another chance to succeed.

"Failure is just another chance to succeed."

I look to Thomas Edison for inspiration. when asked if he felt discouraged about failying 1073 times before inventing the lightbulb, he said, "I did not fail 1,073 times. I found 1,073 ways not to do it." i know now that programming is not for now i'm gonna look into Customer Relations Management in e-Business.

...and on a whole 'nother note...

Really, Really Bad News

Uncle Rolly passed away. ever since he was diagnosed, and with his worsening condition over the months, we all knew this was coming...but still, its a damn hard pill to swallow.

everytime i think about it, i cry...not necessarily because its the 3rd loss in my family in under a year (yes, Pube counts as family)...i cry for my auntie and my cousins, raynell & rose. i mean, i've gotten into some pretty big fights with my dad...but all of that seems so insignifcant to what raynell & rose are going through...i dunno what would happen if i lost my dad...especially at a young age...

Thinking Postively

my family has such a tight bond...and i'm so proud of it. like when jamie passed away, we were all worried for cristina and kainoa...especially since cristina is paralyzed from the waist down...

"Ohana means family; family means no one gets left behind."

but this amazing little thing that hawaiian's call "ohana" is so strong with guys might've heard me when i bitch about going to my family get-togethers...cuz i always end up meeting a bagillion aunties & uncles that i never knew existed...i'm realizing now that this is a huge blessing -- there's always someone (usually several someones) around that'll support whoever...

kinda like the amish...if one of 'em has a house that burns down, the whole town comes together and builds a new one...

so yeah, its kinda like we're amish...except we're darker skinned, almond eyed, flat nosed and allowed to watch porn on hbo television...

chill smilie

"Ohana means family; family means no one gets left behind." - Lilo, from Lilo & Stich

Smelly Roommate Testemonials

Dehlia: what's that smell??

Krystal: wtf is that smell??

Josh: i had to leave the living room because he walked in....he smells soooo bad!!!

Phoebe: eWWWWWWW!!!

April: when i was leaving your place and i walked by him in the hallway, i totally got what you had been telling's bad...i'm so sorry...

Chin: damn...funkmaster is really really funky today...

Travis: yeah, i smelled that but i didn't wanna say anything...

Bojo: your room smells like flowers and shit...but when you walk by his room....

puke smilie

Bobby: yo...what's his face...he fuckin' smells, dawg.

Chin: i lost my appetite when he was in the car with us.

Pirst Week of School


Man, things have been slow on this site...probably because of several reasons. I'm finding myself going out a lot more and visiting people (esp in the dorms) now that school has started. Classes are pretty cool...I finally have some good teachers that have a teaching style that's compatible with me.

smile smilie

Tuesdays and Thursdays are definitely the best days...Astronomy, Basketball and Volleyball. Even though Astronomy is an 8am class, the stuff actually keeps me awake because this was my first passion when I was a kid. BBall and VBall are always cool...I finally got my buddy Pavel to enroll in the classes, and we play awesome together on the court. For volleyball, I've gotten a shit load better...probably cuz I was playing beach volleyball with Josh the whole summer. I'm also actually spiking the shit out of the ball on the men's nets...probably cuz I've lost weight since being traumatized by Super Size Me.

Food for Thought

Oh yeah, that's another thing...I'm actually doing really good with my eating..I've seriously cut down on the greasy fast more burgers...eating more chicken and rice but in smaller portions...and no more eating after 6.

bigthumbup smilie
I haven't weighed myself yet but I can definitely see my toes now the difference. Today was my cheat day but I realized that cheat day isn't even fun anymore...its just straight up gross. I actually had a difficult time downing one double-double (double cheeseburger) was really wierd but at least in a good way.
happysad smilie
Its kinda like that one summer in Saudi when Zizi had an all-girls fancy dinner party...I dressed up as a girl and got in...and when I was eating, all the girls jokingly gave me crap for my "eating like an animal" tendencies...that actually traumatized me so now my appettite gets psychologically surpressed when I eat around (most) girls.


Oh yeah, a little update on my uncle...he's doing absolutely terrible.

cry smilie
He has like zero energy...has to be energy to talk and can barely open his eyes because light is painful...omg, its just so painful to see him like this...and the really painful part is seeing Rose (my cousin, his daughter) trying to deal with this...I can't even imagine what its like for her...

One thing I'm really proud of is how all of my family and relatives are helping out anyway possible...when he was in the hospital, there was ALWAYS someone there beside his bed...and every weekend, there's always a family get-together..."Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind."

grouphug smilie

More Random Stuff:

  • Web Cams are fun...
    naughty smilie
  • Watch Shaun of the Dead...its funny as balls.
    yababy smilie
  • Free food @ Webb...I actually went back to Webb with fellow classmate, Stan, and got some free country fried chicken steak (chicken country fried steak? fried country chicken steak? chicken fried country steak??
    dunno smilie
  • My was selected as the Site of the Month for
    highfive smilie
    )...I'll post my interview here when it's published this November.
    cool smilie
  • Song of the Moment: Smile by Tamia
  • PL: we might have our share of fights here and there...there might be moments when you just absolutely piss me off...but at the end of the day, I care about you...and I'll always be here for you.
  • Random Quote of the Moment: if you don't like anal sex, you must be gay...
    rofl smilie
    at the irony.
  • I'm working on a new version of
    wiggle smilie

End of Summer 2004

tomorrow (today) is the first day of the quarter and i have an 8am class...its 1:40am right now and i just can't fall asleep.

this past summer was really chill...a lot more laid back than last summer, but still fun.

chill smilie
it started out pretty cool, with josh being my roommate for like 6 weeks. the weekdays were mostly school for me and driving to LA for josh...but on the weekends it was all about shibbying @ huntington beach, beach volleyball, more shibby and cheap BJs courtesy of rose & diana.
gayhehe smilie

there were times when josh and i would butt some nights, my laid back, low maintenance lifestyle would totally clash with his i-like-to-party-i-like-i-like-to-party attitude...and it didn't help that we only had one car (which my dad mandated that no one else can drive without me).

argue smilie
meh, whatevers...i basically learned that being around the same person for a full 24-7, no matter how cool they are, is never a good thing.

anyways, fourth of july rolled around. loved it. it was that party @ natalie's place and i met some cool girls there. i'll never forget when josh and i were partners for taboo...

Mel: if everything about a girl is hot but her face, you'd cover it up with a brown...
Josh: BAG!!!
Mel: yes!!!Mel: if you sleep with an underage girl, you go to...
Josh: JAIL!!!
Mel: yes!!!
Mel: i have a lot of this on my computer
Josh: PORN!!!
Mel: correct!!!

fourth of july was also the day i talked to my precious Jasmine Trias on the phone. (and i know that some of you fuckers voted "0 stars - terrible" for that post i made about it...but i don't give a rats ass what you think.

squintfawk smilie
i think its fucked up how you guys never rate anything "good," yet you made the effort to rate "terrible" on something i care about.
disappointed smilie

anyways...there was also that weekend when mike came to party down in huntington. that was a good 'ol drunken time, i must say. :beerchug:

...unfortunately, that weekend was also when my beloved hamster passed away...

bigcry smilie
you my boy, pube!!! you my boy!!!

i think it was the weekend after that when we had another shindig at my, alan, james, josh and dan. i'll never forget the jamming on the ukulele while alan & drunken josh would freestyle the lyrics.

rofl smilie
that weekend was also the time when i hit an incline @ 60 mph with a full load of guys in my car...and also ended up paying $500 for fixing her up afterwards...
oh smilie

for the rest of summer, things got really chill. josh flew back home and i was left with a buttload of computer programming and web design projects.

oooooh wait a minute, how could i forget the cal poly sausage fest in my apartment!! all of the old school montecito crew were at my place, drinkin' & smokin' it up. that was also the first time "jimmy" tainted his virgin lungs.

yababy smilie
good times...good times...

once summer school was done, i headed to vegas for a week for some errands...tinted out my car, fixed like a bagillion computers and some other shit. it was my first time @ my parent's new vegas house, which i must say has that hotel suite feel to it.

the final days of my summer i spent working @ home...i have a deadline for my that i refuse to miss. (on a side note, last summer i broke the 1,000 member milestone...this summer i broke 6,000.

highfive smilie
) on the weekends i'd drive back to webb to visit cristina along with the rest of her family. at the football field, i bumped into my classmate, natasha...

Mel: natasha??
Natasha: mel??!
Mel: oh shit, hey!!! how are you??
Natasha: i'm good.Mel: so what are you up to now that you graduated?
Natasha: i'm relaxing now, but i'm gonna get my PHD over at UCLA.
Natasha: ...what about you?
Mel: oh, i'm still at cal poly...
Natasha: oh...when you gonna graduate?
Mel: 2 years...ish...

oh smilie

later that night i kicked it with my webb homie, stan, who also just graduated. damn all you people that follow the 4 year plan!!

so anyways, i'm at my apartment now. my roommate, sam, still smells like feet. the two new roommates seem cool though. one of the guys i played bball with a few seasons ago. they're also neat freaks, which is a good thing as roommates.

holy fuck, its 3am now and i have to get up by 7. alright, i'm out. thanks for the great summer everyone...and an even bigger thanks for actually reading this whole damn thing. have a nice day.

wink smilie

Super Size Me

Super Size Me

finally watched that documentary/movie...i've mentioned it before...its about a guy's one month mcdonalds for every meal, three meals a day, for 30 days. he has to eat everything on the menu at least once and if the cashier asks him "do you want to super size it," he has to say "yes."

the guy (who was in perfect shape to begin with) gained 17 lbs in the first 12 days.

omg smilie

it was kinda sad when he started listing all of the symptoms to his doctors...cuz me and alan related to every single one of ' the wheezing after walking around a lot...and the feel good feeling when you start eating (or even just thinking) about food.

happysad smilie
this movie definitely makes me feel guilty for eating burgers...

Long Lost Cousin?

i got a message from some random flipino guy asking if i was related to former Judge Pedro Ablog Tajon of Cagayan Valley and former Governor & Congressman Mariano Tajon of Ilocos. I asked my dad and he said its true.

i got bored so i started searching up my lolo's (grandpa's) name, Marcelo Tajon, and then i find out that he co-founded Northwestern University in the Phillipines.

cool smilie

20s All Around

i finally got Sandy tinted out...20s all around...

yababy smilie
the back windows were already dark (dyed windows) so when they added the tint, the back became straight up limo dark. the front windows are illegally dark...its kinda cool... "you can't see me but i'm checking out your girlfriend."
naughty smilie

More Stuff...

  • Girl Next Door was a cool movie...i need to meet a cool pornstar like that...

  • Resident Evil 2 was aight...that one chick is a hottie

  • got bored so i started plucking random strands of facial hair...hurts like a bitch!!

  • found out that "Flip" isn't just a short way of saying "filipino" stands for "fucking little island people." its supposed to be derrogatory and i'm supposed to feel offended by it.

    dunno smilie

  • saw Sherwin for the first time in like 5 years...i think the last time i saw him was when he took me to my first strip club to get my first lapdance...maaaan, that was a magical night.

    biggrin smilie

  • $3 steak, eggs & pancakes rock...but waking up late at night and throwing it all up sucks...

Back to Webb

cristina finally started high school @ webb. i tagged along with the rest of the family to move her in. maaaan, its a trip going back to my high school after 5 years. there was only a half-handful of familiar faces there...its kinda cool how teachers that i never actually met still remember me...

Mr. Brotchsul: hey, you look familiar
Mel: hey, mr. brotchsul, right? i'm mel...i graduated here in 2000.
Mr. Brotchsul: yeah i remember. nice to finally meet ya.
Mr. Brotchsul: and you look familiar too...
James: yeah, i came here for a year...and then i wasn't invited back...

happysad smilie

Mr. Brotchsul: oh...and how about you?
Alan: ...well...i applied here...and got rejected...
frown smilie

i also bumped into my good ol friend, al, the head chef.

Al: hey!!!
Mel: hey, whats up al??!
Al: not much, man!!
Al: hey, you should come here on thursday, we're serving fajitas!!
Al: and we have your favorite breakfast burritos every friday!!

also, it seems like webb is finally restocking on good-looking girls...

pedo smilie

on tuesday, we had a little cal poly sausage fest in my apartment. its kinda funny how the initial "couple guys" that came over ended up being like 10 more. we busted out the houka, some beer, and some "magical, medical stuff."

yababy smilie
oh yeah, we accidently smoked out chin...

Chin: lemme hit some of that [houka]
Sudheer: there's shibby in there
Chin: really?
Pavel: yeah.
Chin: eh, i sense some sarcasm...
Chin: *smokes*later on that night
Mel: uhh dude, there really was shibby in there...
Chin: whaaaat?? i thought you guys were just joking!! oh no, my virgin lungs!!

  • watched 3 movies this week...Without a Paddle was meh...i shibbied beforehand and i only managed to get a couple good chuckles from it...

  • Hero with jet li was meh was cuz i had to read all the f'ing subtitles for the whole damn 2 hours...and also the super deep, chinese philosophical stuff was just too much for me...i tried so hard to appreciate the movie but i just didn't...

    dunno smilie

  • Collateral was a good movie. tom cruise is a badass and jada pinkett smith is a freakin' hottie.

    bangin smilie

Weekend in Vegas v.August 19ish

went to vegas for the weekend. it wasn't for gambling or drinking...i'm broke as was mainly to fix up alan's and my dad's computers. here's just some random shit that happened...

  • saw my parent's new vegas house for the first time. the first thing that came to mind was "a hotel suite." the ceilings are like 12 feet high (and the doors and just as tall), there's a lot of mirrors and marble, and all of the handles/faucets were painted gold. and of course there was all of the stereotypical hotel suite-like flower vases everywhere. not to be all jessica-simpson-ish but why the hell does everything have to be yellow gold?? why not white gold?? yellow gold is so tacky...

  • friday night i had a dream about eating white castles...

    biggrin smilie
    it was took place at some kinda movie theater complex and at the concession stands they were serving those 2 square inch burgers of had to be magical or something cuz they were flying and shit...
    dunno smilie

  • ...woke up, took a piss and then ended up having some really awesome sex dream.

    naughty smilie
    it was like me and some tall blonde chick in one of the showers of my parent's new place. total dream score!!
    highfive smilie

  • ate at mark pi's shanghai grill on like friday night...gawd damn their food is so good. mark pi's general tso's chicken is the shiznat.

    bigthumbup smilie
    ...and then that night we played some bball and general tso was kicking my ass.
    oh smilie

  • sing to r.kelly's "bump and grind":

*my wallet is telling me noooooooooo...

but my booooody

my body is telling me yeaaaaaaaaaaah!!

...i don't see nuttin' wrong, with a little steak and eeeeeeeeggs

...i don't see nuttin' wrong, with a little steak and eeeeeeeeggs*

  • i got a new cell phone. polyphonic ringtones, baby!!! when any of you girls call me, it'll play Naughty Girl by Beyonce. saudi sausage crew will play my Friends Theme ringtone. anyone else that calls will play the Party Boy Theme from Jackass.

    cool smilie

  • alan, james and i ate at a restaurant called kahuna grill (only because shanghai grill next door was closed

    madfawk smilie
    ). our waitress was whenever we asked for something, she'd pull that unoriginal, sarcastic "no" bullshit.

Mel: can i have some extra honey mustard?

Waitress: no!!


gayhehe smilie


whatever smilie

Mel: can i have some more water please?
Waitress: i dunno, can you??

gayhehe smilie

squint smilie

i swear, i was just about to do my own sarcastic shit...

Mel: i think i'll have the hibatchi pathetic cocksucking slut bag of a whore!!!

uhh smilie

Mel: just kidding!!
Mel: ...i'll have the teriyaki chicken.