How I Spent My Year 2015

Last year I wrote:

2014 was a pretty miserable year for me. I'm sure one would ever expect it. What people tend to forget is social media is just a giant online highlight reel. There’s a whole 'lotta life that happens in between posts, and for me, it was pretty shitty.

My mantra for 2015 was, "Little acts of courage." Thanks to my therapist and everyone he introduced me to, all of the crap that was weighing on my mind in 2014 slowly eased away. I can't quite say that 2015 was a good year for me, but I can say that it was definitely a better one.

For the thirteenth straight year, without fail, here is my annual survey of how I spent my year 2015.

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How I Spent My Year 2014

Four years ago, I was picking up pieces of myself off the ground. Three years after that, I focused on rebooting my career. This past year, I focused on my new puppy and myself.

2014 was a pretty miserable year for me. I'm sure one would ever expect it. What people tend to forget is social media is just a giant online highlight reel. There’s a whole 'lotta life that happens in between posts, and for me, it was pretty shitty.

For the twelfth straight year, without fail, here is my annual survey of how I spent my year 2014.

Dear Meliss,

In the past 10 years we've known each other, we've made over 200 mutual friends together, spanning over different chapters of our lives. It's pretty amazing to scroll down your Facebook tonight and see all their names congratulating you.

You've been there for me in my darkest times and I've seen you grow through some of yours. I think it just goes to show that no matter how hopeless things have felt in the past, everything eventually does work out, and everything does happen for a reason. Thank you for teaching me that.

This is BY FAR the happiest I've gotten over someone else's engagement. All those late nights we shared random YouTube vids of epic marriage proposals...and tonight, you just lived yours. I'm so unbelievably happy for you and Ryan. I love you guys and I cannot wait to hear the whole story. <333

Love you always,


April 21, 2013

Ryan Proposes to Meliss →

Dear Meliss,

In the past 10 years we've known each other, we've made over 200 mutual friends together, spanning over different chapters of our lives. It's pretty amazing to scroll down your Facebook tonight and see all their names congratulating you.

You've been there for me in my darkest times and I've seen you grow through some of yours. I think it just goes to show that no matter how hopeless things have felt in the past, everything eventually does work out, and everything does happen for a reason. Thank you for teaching me that.

This is BY FAR the happiest I've gotten over someone else's engagement. All those late nights we shared random YouTube vids of epic marriage proposals...and tonight, you just lived yours. I'm so unbelievably happy for you and Ryan. I love you guys and I cannot wait to hear the whole story. <333

Love you always,


April 21, 2013

How I Spent My Year 2012

I've spent a lot of my time this year focusing on myself. Taking a step back, looking at the good times I cherish, and the hard times that humbled me. I've been putting it together to see how all of that has affected who I am today.

I'm gaining a much better understanding of myself now. I really starting to understand what makes me tick, what inspires me to take bold steps, and what kind people/things hold me back.

I think know the right formula for me to move on (at least I think I do). I just have to put it all together.

A big part of that formula is getting my career back on track. Because when I have financial freedom, I can go out and spend more time with people that inspire me.

That's why my career has been my top priority for the past year.

Anyways, without any further ado, for my 9th straight year, here is my annual survey.

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How I Spent My Year 2010

I don't expect you guys to read all of this...but I hope you take the time to answer this survey yourselves just to reflect on the past year. If you do this, answer truthfully and with meaningful answers that you can look back on several years from now; it's amazing to look back on how you've grown.

This is my 8th straight year of doing this, and it's an absolute TRIP looking back and my old posts. Anyways, here it is.

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A Letter to Myself from Mel '08

This is a little tradition I started four years ago. The idea is to email myself using, and have that email sent to me in exactly two years.

Sure, I could easily just write in my journal or blog...but writing an email to myself seems a little more intimate and lets me paint a more descriptive snapshot of what's going on in my life at that very moment.

Here is the last thing I wrote to myself, a little over two years ago (with a few things censored out). Mind you, this is just a few short weeks before I found myself in the newest chapter of my life -- btvfam.

Friday, August 1, 2008:

Hey Future Mel, how's life treatin' ya??

Life is pretty good for me right now. Work is cool...a little stressful cuz of the growing pains, but it's a fun learning experience. [The company] is now 28ish employees with the newest hire being Erin. [...] I still feel like I haven't quite made my mark. I'll be patient though...I believe in [our new CEO].

I spent a big chunk of the morning talking to my co-workers about VIKING QUEST ( Ryan is all, "dude, you wouldn't even have to pack. Just bring a toothbrush and be naked for one whole week." Hahahahahahh.

So Mel, are you still running? I weigh 238ish nowadays, which is 10lbs less since I started little Nike+ SportBand thing. [...] I'm running half as much as I did before the Oregon Reunion, but my progress has been awesome. [...]

So this weekend was a really awesome one. I drove down to SD to kick it with Meliss...and it was such a blast. [...] I think my favorite part of the weekend was chillin' at La Jolla Cove with Meliss, overlooking the ocean. It was so chill and so peaceful. It's one of those moments where you can put life on pause and just appreciate the stillness. It felt like home.

So what's the deal with you and [that one business idea]? Right now the lawyers are doing the paperwork for forming the company. I feel like anything can happen. It might be huge; might be a flop; it might be modest like [my old site that had 12,000+ members]. But regardless, it should be a fun learning experience.

So anyways, how's your love life now? You still crushing on [some cute girl]? You still spend your lunch breaks chatting with Tracie? Late nights with Meliss? You talk to April at all anymore? Have you found it in your heart to completely let go of the whole [backstabbing friend] & [heartbreaker girl] thing? I'm just about over it but there's still a bit of anger there.

Anyways, hope all is well with you. Don't forget to write Mel 2012!!!

Much love,

Mel '08

It's crazy reading this cuz the first Time Capsule email I wrote in 2006, it was just a couple months after graduation and a little before I got my first real job. My future was just up in the air at that point.

Fast forward to now, where I just recently had to quit that very job. Once again, I find my future is up in the air.

I'm definitely gonna keep this tradition alive and write to my 2012 future me. There are a ton of possibilities/questions/worries for me right now and I'm just eager to see how it will all unfold.

We'll see how things are in two years. In the, laugh and learn.

Thank you, everyone!!

Thank you, everyone, for all the birthday wishes! I feel so young turning 21 again for the 7th straight year! My phone would NOT stop buzzing all day cuz of all the @replies, facebook notifications, tumblr posts and text messages...birthdays like yesterday remind me how blessed I am.

  • _melistar
  • 9natran
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  • ajiiizzzle
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  • eddymyla
  • eelyajekim
  • elisa
  • erniesbudolab
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  • flipgal77
  • francisrochino
  • FTWSammie
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  • gotkatzy
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  • heyitsthatgirl
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  • hsustyle
  • huskyboydrew
  • hypnoticasia
  • iiamjelly
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  • imjenni
  • ImVeryActive
  • ira-dg
  • itsCHELLAbaby
  • itsjonsense
  • itstoofragile
  • j0anne
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  • jtam7992603
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  • kishan
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  • kulayberde
  • Kuya
  • KuyaDeejay
  • ladykitay
  • lifeisfilm08
  • lilbearpeachie
  • linhmonster
  • LionGali
  • loval
  • lpina
  • marichris1
  • marinakamel
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  • marlo_t
  • marnz
  • maykimagination
  • meganfromTC
  • meggggan
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  • melvinsings
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  • mom
  • mquerol
  • mrfuijikicker
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  • natlielatunay
  • neegahson
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  • neil_84
  • neosubz
  • NeroRamos
  • nessarica
  • noa-martinsen
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  • nykko_x3
  • olee
  • omgitsrobb
  • ooobbyitsloveooo
  • paka79
  • patflynn
  • peachesudh
  • peteeee
  • phatts
  • philchao
  • pinktea6
  • r0ckingreen
  • rachel-s
  • racheljasmin
  • raelynnerosales
  • ram_ree
  • randolph-permejo
  • raineezy
  • raycel98
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  • reii
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  • rina-dakanay
  • rjay23
  • rock-star
  • ron_palustre
  • rosemary bales
  • rosmel-ramos
  • rowdysaudi1
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  • ryan-shin
  • ryanhurley
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  • scottyoshimoto
  • sean-doyle
  • shazadsk
  • shireen-h
  • shraddha
  • sinxjae
  • slackerSC
  • slimbeats
  • sogooey
  • spideyudh
  • stefansinging
  • stephanie-chiang
  • stephbaloy
  • sun_tzu
  • thatsajudy
  • theapradioshow
  • thisGIRLis_
  • tiffany-o
  • tl2eesa
  • toekneekay
  • tpm_music
  • udh7
  • uhmberr
  • uhohitsari
  • ulysses
  • usarmymich
  • vankho
  • vinimack
  • vjayyy
  • vobot
  • whattheda
  • xxflipxpryd3xx
  • youlikepoo
  • zeephunk

Hopefully I got everyone in here that gave me a shoutout (over 240!?!). Love you all! <33


I find that I'm constantly saying that to myself these days, especially when I'm hesitant on meeting someone new, pursuing an opportunity, or simply taking a chance.

Looking back on the last 10 years, I owe some of the greatest blessings in my life to this motto.

Like the time I got kicked out of my dorm room so my roommate could have sex, which forced me into making a seemingly trivial -- but really life-changing -- decision:

"Should I eat by myself in the lobby or meet the guys next door and eat with them?"

"Fuck it, why not?"

And then my life changed forever...

And ever...

How I Spent My Year 2009

I don't expect you guys to read all of this...but I hope you take the time to answer this survey yourselves just to reflect on the past year. If you do this, answer truthfully and with meaningful answers that you can look back on several years from now; it's amazing to look back on how you've grown.

This is my 7th straight year of doing this, and it's an absolute TRIP looking back and my old posts. Anyways, here it is.

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Thoughts on FAP'09

So this is how it feels. The greatest feeling of accomplishment in my life. I've never done ANYTHING like this before...but after months of driving to San Diego, TokBox meetings, promoting, hair-pulling hair-receding stress...everything fell into place.

And it was EPIC.

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