melmyfinger: okay
melmyfinger: guys
melmyfinger: hypothetical question
melmyfinger: lets say you left a pair of hair clippers out
melmyfinger: and this particular pair of clippers
melmyfinger: you don't use on your head
melmyfinger: and then you found out
melmyfinger: that your friend used it
melmyfinger: to shave his head
Rachel Jasmin: lmfao
melmyfinger: what would you say to that person
Neeners Lambchop: xD
melmyfinger: okay
Neeners Lambchop: but its all hypothetical right?
WonTonDJ: KG
Samchy Meets Rachel Jasmin
First time meeting on a Skype Call:
samchy: Who the fuck is RJ?
racheljasmin: I'm RJ
samchy: WHOA RJ, you sound DELICIOUS.
Thank you, everyone!!
Thank you, everyone, for all the birthday wishes! I feel so young turning 21 again for the 7th straight year! My phone would NOT stop buzzing all day cuz of all the @replies, facebook notifications, tumblr posts and text messages...birthdays like yesterday remind me how blessed I am.
- _melistar
- 9natran
- adrian
- adrieee
- ajiiizzzle
- akachrisTOPS
- akbdc
- alexjohn
- aline-m
- and0n
- andykim84
- anita-jose
- anthong
- ari
- arielmariee
- ashish patel
- auroraempire
- b0otayx3
- babytoes81
- bing87
- bm-photography
- bored44
- briceorbryce
- bkeeeezy
- cathy-nguyen
- cedricjoshua
- chaaaany
- charlenedang
- chrisanne
- christina-b
- christina-luna
- christinieweenie
- cindyboo
- confidential
- cookiemunstarr
- cristie suzukawa
- cristina-dg
- da1flipguy
- dad
- dailo
- dajark
- danielszetho
- danitokyo
- darweeenie
- david-choi
- dee-celera
- dessiegirl
- devinxrenee
- djblinks
- djmajik202
- DoctorRico
- donnaaa
- dreamingoutloud
- droidoid
- eddieparas
- eddymyla
- eelyajekim
- elisa
- erniesbudolab
- ey_mikz
- farsid3pin0y
- fizzi
- flipgal77
- francisrochino
- FTWSammie
- gabeezy
- genix
- goldylox
- goshNicole
- gotkatzy
- h20ballz
- halfsensed
- hayleigh
- hayley watson
- hazeldb
- henry-s
- heyitsthatgirl
- heylisajue
- hollisterloser
- hollykins
- hsustyle
- huskyboydrew
- hypnoticasia
- iiamjelly
- iknowrenato
- imjenni
- ImVeryActive
- ira-dg
- itsCHELLAbaby
- itsjonsense
- itstoofragile
- j0anne
- jackielyn
- jacraig34
- janicexp
- janiise
- janne
- janNYC
- jaypwnsyou
- Jdiep08
- jenny-suk
- jer0meskee
- jgibs
- jimb0
- jimmychenpiano
- joeescobar
- jonchaniscool
- jonjcp
- joseph-diaz
- josephvincent
- jtam7992603
- julianna_amerie
- juliannemariee
- kabannaboyroy
- kame88
- karolangcaco
- kat-blanco
- kathleen-santiago
- kaydeex3
- kevinbognot
- kim-o
- kirsten-p
- kishan
- konradthompson
- kris-cunanan
- krismark
- krystalderosas
- krystovalina
- kulayberde
- Kuya
- KuyaDeejay
- ladykitay
- lifeisfilm08
- lilbearpeachie
- linhmonster
- LionGali
- loval
- lpina
- marichris1
- marinakamel
- markque
- marlo_t
- marnz
- maykimagination
- meganfromTC
- meggggan
- melissa-v
- melvinsings
- micahmarie
- michael-tajon
- michellepark
- mirtheous
- misschanto
- mizzamanda
- mom
- mquerol
- mrfuijikicker
- msclumsiee
- mynameisroth
- nadsmustafa
- nannerzz
- natlielatunay
- neegahson
- neenerslambchop
- neil_84
- neosubz
- NeroRamos
- nessarica
- noa-martinsen
- not_june
- nykko_x3
- olee
- omgitsrobb
- ooobbyitsloveooo
- paka79
- patflynn
- peachesudh
- peteeee
- phatts
- philchao
- pinktea6
- r0ckingreen
- rachel-s
- racheljasmin
- raelynnerosales
- ram_ree
- randolph-permejo
- raineezy
- raycel98
- reggiesee
- reii
- renC
- rhezamae
- rina-dakanay
- rjay23
- rock-star
- ron_palustre
- rosemary bales
- rosmel-ramos
- rowdysaudi1
- rtran
- ryan-shin
- ryanhurley
- safaricat
- samchy
- scarlett
- scikotik
- scottyoshimoto
- sean-doyle
- shazadsk
- shireen-h
- shraddha
- sinxjae
- slackerSC
- slimbeats
- sogooey
- spideyudh
- stefansinging
- stephanie-chiang
- stephbaloy
- sun_tzu
- thatsajudy
- theapradioshow
- thisGIRLis_
- tiffany-o
- tl2eesa
- toekneekay
- tpm_music
- udh7
- uhmberr
- uhohitsari
- ulysses
- usarmymich
- vankho
- vinimack
- vjayyy
- vobot
- whattheda
- xxflipxpryd3xx
- youlikepoo
- zeephunk
Hopefully I got everyone in here that gave me a shoutout (over 240!?!). Love you all! <33
How I Spent My Year 2009
I don't expect you guys to read all of this...but I hope you take the time to answer this survey yourselves just to reflect on the past year. If you do this, answer truthfully and with meaningful answers that you can look back on several years from now; it's amazing to look back on how you've grown.
This is my 7th straight year of doing this, and it's an absolute TRIP looking back and my old posts. Anyways, here it is.
Distance is just an excuse. If your heart is really in it, you can overcome it all.
If someone wants to be a part of your life, they'll make an effort to be in it. So don't bother reserving a space in your heart for someone who doesn't make an effort to stay.
—Rachel Jasmin